Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Bizjak Farm. This is our first blog and coincidently it’s also the start of our season!
What’s happening on the farm right now? We are so busy planting and replacing different varieties of trees that might have died over the winter or not faired so well last year because of the terrible drought we had….remember that long, dry spell we had with no rain. There was a total of around 90 consecutive days without rain!
We’re off to a good start this year. At the moment there’s lots of moisture in the ground. After tree planting, we will be moving onto planting our Strawberries … so excited … we are already seeing some flower bud popping our on the ever-bearing strawberries we planted last year.
The work doesn’t stop there … there is pruning to be done, compost to spread, straw to lay down … this time of the year always feels like there is never enough hours in the day … stay tuned…bye for now!